Whilst you are writing your own thesis, there are a number of reasons why you may wish to find and read those of others. ILS has a number of services which can help you to do this.
YSJ Theses
ILS holds all of the PhD theses that have been submitted by previous students here. They are for use in the Fountains building only, but can be found in the researcher area. This is the glass box on the ground floor of the library, also containing the display of Victorian children's books. Just ask at the Question Point if you would like to consult them - there is also a PC and workspace in the area, so you can read those you have chosen.
Dissertations and Theses: UK and Ireland
This is a search tool, formerly known as Index to Theses, which allows you to search for theses from other institutions. It is accessible from the ILS website, on the
databases page.
A British Library service,
EThOS allows you to both search for and also download theses (if the author/owning institution has agreed to this). You can create your own account as a researcher and this will allow you to read and save theses where permissions have been given.
This search tool allows you to look at documents which have been placed in open access online repositories and these can often contain theses.
Use the advanced search option to restrict content type to 'Theses/dissertations'.
Inter-library loans
If you are unable to download a thesis from EThOS, our inter-library loans service may be able to obtain a reference only copy it from the original institution.
Contact them for more details.
Sconul Access
It may be possible to consult a thesis in the library of the original institution. You can use your
Sconul Access rights, which allow you to consult and borrow from other university libraries, to do so.